Special Issues and Supplements


2.Submission of Special Issue/Supplement Proposals

3.Responsibilities of Guest Editors and Preparation of Special Issue Proposals

4.Peer Review and Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Forum Multimedia Publishing follows the ICMJE recommendations on “Supplements, Theme Issues, and Special Series and the related guidance in MEDLINE


Special Issues:

The Special Issues aim to offer critical analysis and comprehensive overviews of topics that align with the journal's scope. A Guest Editor, an international authority on the relevant topic, is responsible for moderating each unique and innovative Special Issue and providing an in-depth exploration of the subject. The Special issues are published as part of journal issues.


A supplement is a collection of papers that focus on a Special Issue or Topic. It may be published as a separate issue or as part of a regular issue in the journal.
Advertisements in supplements follow the same policy as all Forum Multimedia Publishing journals: https://forummmpub.com/index.php/index/Policies/Advertising_Policy
Supplements are distinguished from regular editorial issues by the letter “S”.

2.Submission of Special Issue/Supplement Proposals

Please ensure compliance with the guidelines for special issues/supplements of the Forum Multimedia Publishing journals. Submit your proposal application via the journal website.

eCM Journal (Eur Cell Mater)

The Heart Surgery Forum (HSF)

3.Responsibilities of Guest Editors and Preparation of Special Issue Proposals

Guest editors should ensure compliance with the COPE guidelines before submitting a special issue proposal. The following items are required for consideration by the Editor-in-Chief, though guest editors may provide additional information:

  • Guest editor’s CV.
  • Title of the special issue.
  • An abstract of approximately 200-350 words and 3-8 corresponding keywords
  • A preliminary timeline
  • A statement on the significance of the special issue to the field and its appeal to authors

4.Peer Review and Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The Editor-in-Chief of Forum Multimedia Publishing oversees and is responsible for all content in special issues/supplements, which must fall within the scope of the journal. They have the authority to reject or request modifications to any article or abstract submitted to a special issue/supplement. Manuscripts in special issues/supplements undergo the same editorial procedure and peer review as regular papers. Guest editors assist the Editorial Board in the preliminary evaluation to ensure the relevance and scientific validity of submissions. Manuscripts in special issues are marked accordingly within the journal. To ensure impartiality, Forum Multimedia Publishing requires all guest editors to disclose any conflicts of interest and financial relationships, and to avoid handling or recommending any submissions with potential conflicts. Submissions with conflicts of interest involving guest editors are forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief or another member of the Editorial Board for decision-making.

In addition, according to the latest special issue standards from DOAJ, Forum Multimedia Publishing requires that the number of papers submitted by guest editors should be no more than 25% of the issue's total.